07 August 2014

Lets Clean the Washing Machine

Last Thursday's post was about cleaning the dishwasher. This week I am going to share how to clean your washing machine. I know it sounds ridiculous to be cleaning a cleaning machine but your washing machine does a lot of hard work and it needs regular TLC and maintenance to keep it in optimum running condition.

I was talking to an older woman, a few years ago now, and she was dumbfounded to find out that her Simpson automatic washing machine had a lint filter! She thought the brown flakes on her washing were caused because she didn't use enough detergent so she kept increasing the amount she was using.

If you could have seen the look on her face when I pulled the top off the agitator and showed the little (absolutely full and black) lint basket to her you would have laughed, just like I did.

If you have never cleaned the lint filter in your washing machine go and do it now. Right now! 

First thing you need to do is find out if your washing machine actually has a lint filter. My HE machine doesn't, it is supposed to be self-cleaning. It isn't. It doesn't have a filter I can easily get to so I do a regular deep clean to keep the brown flakes off my washing.

If your washing machine is a top loader it should have a lint filter in the agitator.  Pull out the top of the agitator and it should have some kind of little bag or basket attached to it. 

Gently take it off and give it a good clean. You may need to empty the lint out of it first. Then rinse it under hot water. If you use fabric softener then you will also need to soak it for a few minutes in white vinegar. Fabric softeners leave a film over the mesh that actually stops the water from getting through. You need to get rid of this build up. 

Front loaders have different lint filters - check your handbook to find out where it is and how to get to it.

While the lint filter is soaking, get a cloth and a bucket of warm water and add a splash of vinegar (about 1 cup). Use this to wipe around the top of the bowl, under the lid, over the outside of the cabinet etc. Don't forget the inside of the agitator and the fabric softener dispenser. If it's particularly grungy, sprinkle with bi-carb and use this as a scouring powder.

Put the lint filter back together and replace the top of the agitator. Then run your washing machine through a full cycle on the hottest wash (this is the only time I use a hot wash) and add a full 2 litre bottle of vinegar to it. Don't add any clothes or other detergents; let the vinegar work its magic. The vinegar will remove the scum and gunk and any hard-water build up in the bowl and hoses.

You washing machine will sparkle inside and out. Do this on a regular basis and you'll extend the life of your machine.

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1 comment:

  1. It is good to know this about the cleaning machines. Thanks for sharing!


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