20 April 2015

Reuse Worn Out Clothes and Have FREE Rugs!

I love the look of rag rugs. My grandma and great-grandma had them in their kitchens when I was a very little girl and I loved the pretty colours. My mother had rag rugs in the kitchen too, one under the sink and one just inside the door, as I was growing up.

They appeal to me for two reasons:
1. They are a great way of using old clothes, sheets, blankets etc, saving them from landfill. This really appeals to my waste-not side.
2. They add character and charm to a room.

Cheapskater Wendy Boyd has shared her instructions for making a crocheted rag rug using old clothing and sheets that won't cost you anything but a few nights in front of the TV.

I dislike throwing away any worn out sheets and/or clothing, and there does come a time when these items just can't be passed on, or used to make new clothes. I have discovered that it is easy to cut or tear old clothes into strips and crochet them into lovely rag rugs."

Step 1. Cut off collars and cuffs and any thick seams.

Step 2. Rip or cut material into long strips, about 1-2cm wide.

Step 3. Tie or sew strips together at short ends, and roll into balls for use.

Step 4. Choose the order in which you want your colours to appear as a pattern.

Step 5. Choose a large crochet hook. Here are the instructions to crochet an oval rug:

  • Chain about 15. 
  • Double crochet in each chain, 3 doubles in end chain, and double in each chain back down the other side. You should have an oval shape at this stage. 
  • Keep going around and around, adding two or three double stitches at each end. 

This needs to be juggled a bit as you go, to keep the rug fairly flat.

I have made several of these great FREE rugs. They are great for traffic areas, as they can be picked up and shaken clean (outside). They catch dirt and grime easily, and it flies out when shaken, reducing the need for cleaning both the floors and the rugs. I prefer to use material tied together at the short ends, and keep the loose bits on the top of the rug, as this is a great shaggy look, and catches more dirt.

It's very easy to crochet the ends in as you go, if you prefer a neater look, or to sew the ends with a sewing machine before beginning to crochet. I'm sure the same sort of technique could be used to knit rugs, if you prefer."

Contributed by Wendy Boyd

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