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12 October 2015

Simply Gorgeous Tea Cup Coasters

How gorgeous are these tea cup coasters? They're so pretty and cute and really quick and easy to make, using up scraps of fabric and lace.

They are so cute and really are quick - 10 minutes and you have one completed! If you work on a production line and do all the cutting, then the handle making, then the sewing at once they're even faster!

You will need:
Fabric scraps
Thin batting*
Scraps of lace, ribbon, braid or ric-rak (optional)
Buttons or beads (optional)
Tea cup template

Step 1. Print the template and cut out (or draw a tea cup shape freehand if you're talented like that - I'm not).

Step 2. Pin the template to a double layer of fabric and cut out (2 shapes). Pin the template to the batting and cut out. Cut a strip of fabric 3cm x 8cm for the cup handle.

Step 3. Make the handle by folding the long edges to the centre, press.  Fold the strip in half again along the long side, press. Stitch along the edge.

Step 4.  If you are adding it, cut a length of lace the width of the top of your cup. Stitch in place. Stitch a button or bead into place if you are using them.

Step 5. Pin the handle in place. Lay the second piece of fabric right side down on top. Finally lay the batting over both fabric pieces. Pin in place. Starting at the bottom corner stitch around one side, across the top, down the other side (making sure you catch the ends of the handle). Leave the bottom open for turning.

Step 6. Snip the corners. Turn the coaster right side out. Press the bottom edges under 6mm. Hand stitch closed. Press.

Repeat the process to make more coasters - they're so cute and quick and they make wonderful gifts. Bundle them in sets or present one with a pretty tea cup and saucer and a small packet of gourmet tea bags.

I didn't have any batting but I did have a bath mat that was past it's best. I used it as the batting and it is wonderful - thick enough to absorb any heat or spills but still light and not too thick.

I had some embroidery samples on calico that I had been waiting to use - they're now tea cup coasters and look so pretty! And those samples have been put to good use.

There is so much you can do with these coasters to pretty them up. Stamp designs on plain fabrics, mix'n'match fabrics for the front, back and handle, add buttons or beads, trim with lace, do a scalloped edge on the top of the cup - use your imagination and see what you can come up with.

Using fabric scraps and towelling for the batting these coasters have cost nothing to make, yet they look amazing.

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  1. These coasters are so cute! I must stitch up several and use them in my gift giving this year!

  2. They are so cute Patsi, I fell in love with them! I'm doing sets in colour themes, and some to package with a tea cup and saucer and some fancy tea bags. I love that they use scraps of fabric. I can't stand to throw out fabric so these are a great way to use up those little pieces I've kept over the years. And they really are quick - it takes me longer to choose the fabric than it does to sew one up :)

  3. Thank you Cath!

    I am putting a tea themed gift together for my eldest daughter. I am now going to make some of these as I have heaps of scrap material that I was wondering what to do with. I don't have any batting but I do have various scraps of fleecy fabric in different colours that I think would be suitable. What do you think? Otherwise I should have something toweling around here.

    Those embroidery ones are something special...I guess I could use old embroidered doilies or table cloths. This is such a cute gift idea!

    It is 39C here today so a good day for crafting I think :)


    1. Tania I think fleecy would be perfect - not too thick, and it will dry so much faster than towelling, thanks for the idea, I have a lot of little bits of fleecy here - in my grand plan I'm going to make a patchwork fleecy blanket :)

      If you have old embroidered doyleys or pillowcases or tablecloths or even hankies they would make lovely little tea cups I think.

      I have to be honest and say I can't stop making them, they're so cute and such a nice way to use up fabric AND they're so quick I can do one or two inbetween other chores and feel like I've had a break and accomplished something :)

      Wendy gave me a lovely gift of the most delicious tea a few weeks ago - Raspberry and Dragonfruit (Twinings) - it is so nice it's my new favourite drink (just in case you're looking for something different for your daughter's gift). :)

      Only 35C here today, with a change due early tomorrow morning, I'm praying for rain :)


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