Not much conscious saving of money, time or energy done this week. I picked up a virus sometime over the weekend and spent most of the week in bed feeling sad and sorry for myself.
But, having a well-trained family, they managed to:
Cook all meals, using either freezer meals or ingredients on hand. Nothing fancy, but take away didn't appear once.
Dry the washing on the clothesline.
Do the weekly grocery top-up and stuck to the list.
Towards the end of the week:
I took advantage of a sale and Hannah's staff discount and ordered hair spray and dry shampoo. The hairspray is for me, the dry shampoo is for the Dignity Bags we're putting together. Saved 60% off RRP.
Didn't drive very far, so no need to get petrol this week (a good thing - it jumped up 32c a litre in the 20 minutes it took to drive past the service station, drop Hannah off and come back the other way!). I've put this week's petrol money into our holiday fund.
Put more fruit to soaking for two more Christmas cakes.
I made a batch of Christmas cupcakes.
I made a double batch of Miracle Spray.
I now own a mobile phone that won't need recharging every 4 hours, with more data, and 650 minutes a month international calls free, plus a $25 discount on my first bill and two movie tickets (I see a date night in my future) and all for $3.71 LESS that what I've been paying.
Wayne cooked our roast on the barbecue (we decided to stick to the meal plan and have a roast), so no need to use the oven - keeping the house cool and saving on electricity.
Downloaded free ebooks for my Kindle.