It has been a while since I posted my accomplishments through living the Cheapskates way. I've been running on half-strength for a few weeks, not able to sit for too long, and this week I spent three days in hospital in what I hope is the beginning of getting this problem solved.
Here is a catch-up of what's been going on in the Armstrong home.
The Week that Was 12th March
We have Wayne's father staying with us this weekend.
During the week I did some baking to fill the biscuit and cake tins, he likes his morning and afternoon teas and supper. I made a fruit cake, blueberry muffins, scones, gingerbread and a batch of coconut biscuits. Whew! And all without having to buy a single ingredient. Thank goodness for a well-stocked pantry.
Dried the washing on the clothesline.
Spent the day with Pamela on Tuesday making cards (and talking and laughing and eating and drinking tea and coffee).
Kept the house shut tight during the heat of the day, and opened doors and windows wide at night to let the cool air in.
Picked more tomatoes from the lone tomato bush.
Added to the stockpile with a tray of tomato soup and a tray of baked beans and six kilos of plain flour using leftover grocery money.
Wayne needed a new mobile phone so he went shopping. My only comment was that it couldn't cost more than what he's paying now. He came home with a new iphone and a Samsung tablet plus $120 worth of accessories and it's $1 a month less than he was paying for the same value in calls and data. You should have seen the smile on his face!smile on his face -
The week that was 19th March
The card ladies came for our monthly cardmaking session. This month Wendy and I showed them how to make a very simple cold press soap. They were all able to take home a few cakes to cure and use.
We had a stamping demonstration and everyone made a pretty card to take home. I learnt a new technique (new to me anyway) and had some fun too.
Watched a YouTube video and learned to make a gift set - very simple to make and cost nothing as I had all the materials in my stash.
Maureen very generously gave me some capsicums which I oven roasted and then packed into olive oil. I love roasted capsicum so this will be a special treat during winter.
Grace gave me a bottle of the beautiful Lavender pillow spray she makes.
Picked lots of tomatoes from the lonely tomato bush.
Repurposed a sweet dish into a floral arrangement for the tall boy in the entrance. I used silk flowers I had, and recycled a piece of oasis. To finish the dish off I spread a bag of glass chips around the oasis so it can't be seen. I knew I'd find a use for them one day, I've been saving them in the craft box for about six years! I haven't quite finished with it, I'll keep tweaking until I am happy with it.
Made a batch of vanilla yoghurt.
All the usual things such as collecting shower water, drying the washing on the line, cooking our meals and so on.
Paid a specialist bill and checked the next day to make sure the Medicare rebate had been credited to our bank account. It had, but I've had to chase a couple in the past.
The Week that Was 26th March
I spent three days in hospital this week.
Knowing I'd have at least one day in hospital this week I batch cooked on Monday and Tuesday and made dinner for Wednesday, Thursday and Friday ahead of time. I froze Friday's dinner, and left Wednesday and Thursday (which is pizza so easy) in the fridge with warming instructions on a sticky note. Hannah works late Wednesday and Thursday so the boys had to get their own dinner. They know how to turn the oven on (I have taught them too cook) but still need guidance for meals they haven't prepared before. A sticky note gave me the peace of mind knowing that there would be no excuse for an overcooked dinner.
Last week Grace gave me a bottle of the beautiful Lavender Pillow Spray she makes and I've used it a lot this week, as I've spent a lot of time flat on my back in bed.
Downloaded some free ebooks for my Kindle.
My darling husband brought me home a bunch of beautiful Australian wild flowers from a nursery he was working at, as a surprise. They're on the tall boy in our bedroom, where I can see them all the time.
Reminded everyone that now the days are getting shorter and lights are being used, to turn them off when they leave a room.
Arranged for Wayne to drop me at the hospital entrance where I was met with a wheelchair rather than park and take me in himself. At $10 for 20 minutes it gets a bit expensive. We did the same thing in reverse when I was discharged.
Checked prices on my prescriptions and took advantage of the hospital pharmacy to save $3.20 over the three scripts. I rang my local chemist to ask the prices, then ordered them from the hospital. I always compare prices between brands of drugs and if there is a cheaper option that my pharmacist recommends usually choose that.
The Grand Prix was on this week, and Wayne and I had a Grand Prix afternoon tea today. We had pita chips (made ahead), dip, veggie sticks, MOO sausage rolls, MOO mini quiche, sandwiches and a cheese platter with crackers, oven roasted capsicum, olives, semi-dried tomatoes and cheese cubes. All from the fridge or pantry and washed down with Overnight Gingerbeer, 50:50 Cordial or iced water. Luckily it was our lunch too, and we had a very late dinner!
What have you done to save money, time and energy this week?