This is a very quick and easy topper to add to a hand towel. I love to give them as gifts, sometimes with a bar of homemade soap, sometimes with a knitted dishcloth.
You will need:
1 tea towel, cut in half (you get two hand towels from the one tea towel)
Crochet cotton to match
3mm crochet hook
Hem the raw edge of the tea towel.
Work a row of chain along the top edge of the tea towel. This is your foundation row.
Row 1: Ch. 3, skip one chain, work 1 tr.t in each chain to end of row. Turn.
Row 2. Ch. 3, skip onetr, work 1 tr. in every second tr. to end of row. Turn.
Row 3. Ch. 3, skip one tr, work 1 tr. in every second tr to end of row. Turn.
Continue in this manner until 5 treble remain. Turn. This forms the "handle" of your towel topper.
Work 1 tr. In each chain to end. Turn.
Continue in this manner until handle measures 10cm.
Next row: Work 1 tr. In first four chain, ch. 2, skip 2 tr., work 4 tr. In next four chain. This forms the buttonhole.
Next row: Work 1 tr. In each ch. to end. 10 tr. Turn. Repeat this row twice.
Cast off.
Sew button in place.
Your towel is finished.
The towel in the photo cost $1.50 to make.
I buy handtowels and pretty tea towels from $2 Shops, on sale at Kmart or Big W and sometimes from the op shop if they are in very good condition (i.e. new). Supermarkets often have lovely tea towels, but wait until they come on sale for $2.50 each or less.
That looks really pretty Cath, i've never made one of these so its now on my to do list, i think i'll make some for my mum for Christmas, i think she'll love them xoxo