I've stuck to the Bare Bones Grocery Challenge I set myself. $25 a week for top-up groceries. It is amazing how having a few extra groceries in the pantry and freezer can stop you going to the supermarket or the corner store or even the local take-away joint.
The weather in Melbourne has been typical. I was able to line dry washing until Wednesday, when the heavens opened and down came the rain, and out came the clotheshorses.
As the rain came down, so did the temperature, so we lit the fire to warm the house and help dry the washing.
I did a lot of cooking and baking in preparation of going away, using only ingredients on hand.
Hannah cut my hair for me, saving $35 at the hairdresser.
We were able to talk to AJ over Skype and Facebook totally free of charge. He was able to send us photos of his trip each day, again over Facebook, free of charge. He also called us twice to use the free call allowance on his phone plan. I'd warned him not to come home with a huge phone bill and he and Wayne spent a couple of hours getting his plan sorted for international calls and data before he left. I think my horror stories of thousands of dollars in roaming charges had him scared witless, as only a mother can do.
I had a list from a friend who doesn't have an Aldi near-by so Thomas and I did her Aldi shopping for her and Wayne and I dropped it off on our way past on Thursday. Payment was a delicious morning tea that turned into lunch, with leftovers packed up and given to us to enjoy on our travels (and we did).
Hannah gave us another 10c off fuel docket and we used it to fill up in Sydney, where petrol is 11c a litre cheaper than Melbourne.
I waited until we were leaving Sydney to do a quick fresh bread and veg shop so we could eat well while we are camping. I passed on the tomatoes at $8.96/kg - the price rise a product of Cyclone Debbie I'm thinking.
What did you do to save money, time and energy this week?

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