07 May 2017

The Week that was 7th May 2017

Wayne and I have had a lovely 10 days away with good friends. It was cold - brrrr - and we had a little rain, but for the most part the days were sunny and perfect autumn weather.

Lithgow and the surrounding national and state parks is a beautiful area and I think I've found my favourite spot in New South Wales, the Gardens of Stone National Park. It was just stunning and I could have stayed there exploring for days.

The ferns and brush were so thick and green, the trees were so tall that the sun just filtered through and behind them are amazing rock walls - a truly beautiful spot. I kept waiting for a dinosaur to pop up it's such a beautiful, almost untouched spot.

Our camping trip cost us money in fuel and that was about it. We had saved up for the fuel costs so it wasn't an extra expense but a planned one. Food came from the pantry, fridge and freezer. We have to eat at home, and we have to eat while we're away so it's no added burden to the budget when we eat what is on the meal plan.

While we were away the kids kept the fire going and the ducted heating off, saving on gas and electricity.

They cooked all their meals from scratch.

Washing was dried on the clotheshorses in front of the fire instead of in the dryer (thank you kids!).

I've put three loads of washing through today and they are now drying in front of the fire.

What did you do to save money, time and energy this week?

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