30 August 2018

A Homemade Remedy to Ease a Cough and a Sore Throat

AJ came home last night with a nasty cough and a sore throat.

Straight away I went to the cupboard and took the jar of Manuka honey, and gave him a big teaspoonful to suck. He whinged - it doesn't taste nice - but it works so being the mean mother I am, even though he's an adult, I stood next to him to make sure it all went down.

The relief to his sore throat was almost instant, and his cough eased a little, but still niggled.

Then I remembered this recipe for homemade cough drops I found on Frugal Farm Wife, and went straight to the kitchen to make a batch.

Because they're no-cook, and they use ingredients I always have on hand, it was quick and easy. We were blessed with four jars of coconut oil a couple of weeks ago so they didn't cost much to make either.

Instead of raw honey, I used Manuka honey, and the peppermint oil was a doTERRA oil (Hannah is a doTERRA consultant). Coconut oil and honey are both antibacterial, anti-fungal and anti-viral - perfect for treating winter bugs. And they're safe to use as often as necessary, with no nasty side effects.

Before I went to bed AJ suffered another teaspoonful of Manuka, and I sat a dish of cough drops next to his bed for him.

They worked! I was expecting him to stay home today, he really was that unwell last night, but this morning his sore throat was gone and the cough was barely there.

He swallowed another spoonful of Manuka honey and packed a container of cough drops before he left for work, happy as larry and feeling fine.

MOO Peppermint Cough Drops

These MOO cough drops ease coughs and sore throats quickly and effectivley.


  • 1/3 cup coconut oil
  • 1/3 cup Manuka honey (or raw honey)
  • 2 - 3 drops pure peppermint essential oil


  1. Stir the honey and peppermint oil into the coconut oil. Don't be tempted to melt the coconut oil, the honey will sink to the bottom and it won't blend.
  2. Press into a small, baking paper lined dish, or use a silicone cake pan.
  3. Mark into 1cm squares with a knife and refrigerate until firm.
  4. Store in the fridge in an air-tight container.
  5. Have one - two every 20 - 30 minutes to ease coughing. 

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