26 January 2009

Celebrating the Australian Way

Today is 26th January, Australia Day. On our national day I thought it would be nice to share with you two emails that characterize Australians (and they're good tips on attitude too).

Be happy with what you have
I think this is the most important tip of all... in this age of consumerism and indulgence we all too often lose sight of what really matters for a good life .... good health, solid, happy and supportive relationships, a good sense of humour and the gratitude for the things we DO have , as opposed to wanting what we don't have (both material and emotional ). Caz R

We're All in This Together
Our local convenience store has always been the hub of our little hills suburb, and the new owners have made a particular effort to ensure that this continues. To them it's not just a matter of running a business - we always stay for a few extra words and leave with a big smile. We have a policy of buying something there each week - they try to keep the costs down, so the extra we are paying would be less than $1 (often only a few cents) and while I realise that $1 a week could allow a nice little treat at the end of the year, I think the feeling of fun, friendship and wellbeing is worth far more!

I see Cheapskating in terms of "we're all in this together" - being frugal is not the same as being mean, and if everyone in the community were to buy something from their local convenience store on a regular basis, perhaps we can ensure that these small businesses don't succumb to the big businesses which, let's face it, are more interested in the shareholders than the customers! Alison Campbell

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