16 May 2013

Learning To DIY (And Actually Enjoy It)

DIY or Do It Yourself projects are all the rage. You can find mainstream DIY television programs, books, magazines, tip sheets and thousands of You Tube segments all devoted to DIY. And of course many DIY bloggers have made a fortune on the topic.

Why so much attention for DIY?

Because it’s a great way to save money and achieve a luxury lifestyle.

You can get the home design you want. You can make the clothes, accessories and even the appearance you desire with a few DIY projects.

Now DIY isn’t fun for everyone. In fact, it can be enough to make you give it all up, run out to the shops and spend more than you should.

Rest assured, you can learn to DIY like a pro and actually enjoy it.

Start Small

Instead of deciding to tile your kitchen or make a dress by yourself, choose to paint a chair or sew a button on your shirt first. It may not seem as dramatic but starting with smaller projects that you know you can be successful with help you achieve a pattern of success. Generally the larger the project, the more skill is required for a successful completion. Starting small allows you to learn those skills gradually so you can confidently tackle the big project.

Get Help!

There are so many DIY resources that there’s no reason why you can’t find a detailed step by step process for just about any DIY project. And if you cannot find help online, then hit the social networking sites and start asking for help and guidance. You may glean some tips that experts don’t even know. Your local hardware store probably runs weekend DIY workshops too - Bunnings springs to mind - and they are usually free, or with a small charge for materials if you use them. Well worth attending if you want to learn a new skill or even pick up some hints to stretch your existing skills.

Share Your Success

Once you’ve completed a project, share your success with your friends, family and online community. Not only will you feel good about your success you may learn new projects and tips you can tackle next.

DIY can be fun and so can saving money.

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