31 May 2013

Save10% on Your Grocery Bill

Always do your grocery shopping alone.
Leave the family at home. You will not only spend less money, you will save time and come home far less frustrated.

Whenever possible, know the prices of the items you are buying.
Don't trust the scanner - they have been known to be wrong. Keep an eye on your shopping as it is scanned and if you are unsure of a price, ask for a price check.

Check the store policy on goods that scan incorrectly.

Often you will receive the item for free if it has been scanned incorrectly at a greater price.

Always take from the back of the shelves.

If you are shopping at a store that still individually prices each item always check the back of the shelves (when you are buying non-perishable items) as these goods are often marked at the old price. Of course, be sure that the old price is the cheaper price.

Consider joining a food co-op.
Or starting your own – five or six families will be enough to get you started. You then gain the benefits of buying in bulk without having to worry
about the storage.

Get to know your grocery stores and discount warehouses.

You will know which store is about to have particular items such as soap powder, toilet paper, margarine or cereals on sale. Manufacturers often have them in a cycle - on sale at a different supermarket each week.

Look for discount coupons and don't be afraid to use them.
They can save you a small fortune over the course of a year. Naturally, you would only use them if you need the items on the coupons.

Don’t be afraid to try generic brands.
They have to come from somewhere and chances are the generic is the end run of a regular, more expensive brand name. If you don’t like it you can go back to your regular brand next time. If you do like it you can save 20 – 60% of the price.

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