20 October 2015

To Do

I've been updating the list throughout the day as I've finished tasks. Didn't get them all done, but didn't really expect to. What's left have been moved to other days.

I love "to do" lists and use them every day, otherwise I'm sure I'd always be wondering what was coming next.

I have one for our home/garden/family and one for my blog/website.

I use One Note (it came with the lap top) for both lists as it auto saves and easily turns a list into a to do list.

During December each year I create a new notebook for the next year, then add one folder per month with a new page for each day.  It's a simple filing system and I can go back and check what I was doing in the garden this time last year or what sewing or baking I did in November for Christmas etc.

I write tomorrow's home list just before I turn the laptop off for the night, so it's ready for the next day and I know what I would like to do first thing. Life in our house can be chaotic so a list of tasks, even simple tasks, helps me stay calm and organised.

For the blog and website the lists are fairly static - I do the same tasks regularly, although they do vary from day-to-day.

Here's my to do list for today:

To do (House): 

Change our bed
Clean bedroom - dust and vacuum
Clean ensuite
Tidy linen cupboard
Spend one hour on my wardrobe
Make Christmas lists: gifts, food, cards
Tidy laundry cupboard
Tidy under kitchen sink
Tidy under bathroom sink
Op shop run
Dry bread crusts and process into crumbs
Make cards - 10 for swap - Christmas
Dinner - make patties and chill
Trim roses in driveway - cut back shoots
Prune suckers off bottlebrush
Prune suckers off apple tree
Mending - two things

To do (Blog):

Write TOTD posts (Wed, Thu, Fri)              
Write Stockpile posts for next two weeks              
Write Living off stockpile post              
Write up Week that Was post              
Write up mint tin post              
Take photos of mint tin post
Upload mint tin post            

To do (Website):

MORF - check for change of address forms:
Check Members MORF for change of details
Send TOTD Newsletter
MORF - Check for answers to question
MORF - check for tip of week: - format and add to Latest Tips and Tip Store
Update Tip Store page (first section) with new total for Tip Store
Check Member's MORF for new recipes, add to Recipe File
Check members renewals:
Check expired memberships
Check bank account for direct deposit registrations, activate and email new members.
Format newsletter
Work on November Journal
Create printables for December Journal
Check renewals
Process and send book orders
Post Office

It looks like a long list but most of those things only take a few minutes to do. I'll have plenty of time for a cup of tea and lunch and most of them are fun and enjoyable.  And in amongst all that I'll call Mum and chat to the kids about their days. And by 7.30pm I'll be finished - what isn't done will wait. The evenings are for spending time with my husband (and the kids if they're around) and relaxing until bed time.
To do lists don't need to be complicated, they don't need to be fancy, they just need to guide you through your day or week. My to do list gives me peace, I know if it's on the list it will get done, sometimes not always on the day it's listed, but it will get done.

Do you write a to do list? 

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  1. I do write a "to do" list when I have quite a few things to do.

    I have a laminated A4 size "to do" list that has tick boxes, so once a job is done it gets a tick. I use permanent texta to write/tick and tea tree oil to remove the writing once I am done. Then I can add my new list.

    A lot of the jobs don't take too long, it is just remembering to get to them. Having a list does make life so much easier :)

    I have not heard of One Note, so I am going to take a look to see if I can download it.

    Thank you Cath,


  2. I love the idea of a laminated to do list - it's so satisfying seeing those ticks isn't it? I did a similar thing with the kids when they were younger and just getting into the habit of regular chores and they really enjoyed ticking of each thing when it was done.

    One Note is amazing, I'm sure there are other similar things around. It was already installed on my laptop when I bought it and I love it - it's just like the huge tabbed notebooks I used to use only on the computer. It's a Microsoft product so you may already have it and just not be aware of it, it comes as a part of the Office bundle. You can get a free download - type "download one note" into your search and it will come up.

    1. Thank you Cath, I will see if my computer has it in the office program, if not I will definitely download it :)



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