14 November 2011

Get crafty with cards

Around this time of year the Post Office becomes very busy - it's card sending season.  Of course we send cards all year round, but from the beginning of November through to the end of December Christmas cards are in the mail.

I love sending cards each year, but I like to send unique cards. I want the cards I send to be different to the run of the mill Christmas cards available in the shops.

There are lots of things you can do to personalize and create unique Christmas cards and they don't have to break the budget.

One easy way to do this is to make them.  Now card making can be time consuming so to create beautiful, one-of-a kind cards I buy kits. These lovely cards were made using kits that cost just $2 per pack of 10 cards (and all the embellishments I could ever want) from a $2 shop.  That's just 20 cents a card, as opposed to the $5 - $8 a card from the newsagent.

If you don't feel that crafty, buy a packet of Christmas cards and embellish them. Use gold and silver gel pens to outline the main feature on the card. Have a card with a Santa on it? Add a little gold or silver pom pom to the end of his cap and glue a little cotton ball onto his beard.  Add a tiny, red metallic pom pom to Rudolph's nose.  Brush some clear glue over the stars and sprinkle them with glitter (do this over a sheet of paper so you can collect the glitter that doesn't stick and re-use it).

Tackle a few cards each night and it won't be long before you have your Christmas card list finished and ready to post on the 30th November.

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