07 November 2011

How to make a Quillow

These quilts that fold into pillows are very handy and very easy to make - you only need basic sewing skills.

Materials required:

Two pieces of fabric measuring 150cm by 115cm for the quilt
Two pieces of fabric measuring 45cm by 45cm for the pocket
One piece of wadding measuring 150cm by 115cm for the quilt
One piece of wadding measuring 45cm by 45cm for the pocket

To make the quilt:

Step 1.  With right sides together pin quilt fabric together, making sure edges are even.

Step 2. Pin the wadding to the wrong side of one piece of quilt fabric.

Step 3.  Measure 40cm from one corner. Pin to mark. This will be for turning the quilt right side out.

Step 4. Starting at the pin marking the turning, and  using 1.5cm seams, stitch all three layers together, finishing at the corner above the turning.

Step 5. Trim corners and turn right side out. Slip stitch the turning opening closed.

To make the pocket:

Step 1. Place fabrics right sides together, making sure edges are even.

Step 2. Pin the wadding to the wrong side of one piece of fabric.

Step 3. Stitch as for quilt, leaving a 20cm opening for turning.

Step 4.  Turn right side out, slip stitch the opening closed.

To make the quillow:

Step 1. Centre the pocket on one short side of the quilt, with the opening facing the centre of the quilt.

Step 2. Stitch around three sides of the pocket, leaving the top (facing the centre of the quilt) open.  Overstitch the corners to reinforce.

Step 3. To hold all layers together stitch from the top of the pocket to the top of the quilt, in line with pocket stitching.

To fold:

Step 1. Place quilt pocket side down on a flat surface.

Step 2. fold long sides towards centre to make three layers.

Step 3. Turn the pocket from the front to the back.

Step 4. Fold the short edge of the quilt to the top of the pocket and then again with a final fold into the pocket.

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