02 February 2013

Knit One, Purl One

While we were away in early January I noticed that some of my dishcloths were looking a little sad. It's time to retire them to the laundry, garden shed and camping box.  I even had to repair a couple of them that had worn through and were running.

Out came my knitting needles and I spent a very happy hour sorting through my stash of yarns. I still have a little of the lovely aqua  I used to make the soap sacks, so that was my first dishcloth.

I get a lot of mail from readers asking what yarn I use for my dishcloths.

Bernat Handicrafter cotton is my yarn of choice for my dishcloths and soap sacks. It's soft, but very durable (it has to be to last 12 months or more in my kitchen) and comes in gorgeous colours. I order it online from American Yarns in Brisbane and while it's expensive initially, one ball knits up 6, sometimes 7 or 8, dishcloths, depending on the pattern. This time I ordered a lovely soft green (my favourite colour) and a beautiful variegated blue called Denim.

I can go through three, four or even more dishcloths in a day, depending on the baking, cooking and cleaning I do so I like to have a good stash in the basket on the microwave and these two balls of cotton will give me a lovely supply of dishcloths and keep my hands busy while I'm relaxing.

Although I like to knit and find it relaxing I don't think taking time out to knit is anything other than essential homemaking work. I don't feel guilty if I sit for half an hour mid-afternoon to enjoy the feel of yarn through my fingers and the rhythm of the click-clack of the needles. Knitting provides useful items for our home, items we would otherwise have to buy and that most likely wouldn't stand up to 12 months of use in my kitchen.

The cooler weather of the last week encouraged me to get the needles out. I even took my knitting with me when we went camping last weekend. I sat next to the campfire and quite happily click-clacked away until it was too dark to see, much to everyone's amusement.

Knitting adds to the comfort of our home. It saves us money.

Knitting slows me down. It gives me time to breathe, to take stock and to realize that life isn't meant to be a race, it's meant to be a journey to be enjoyed (and it keeps the supply of dishcloths up :) ).  

1 comment:

  1. ok -learning/re-learning how to knit and chose dishcloths as my 'practice'. happy to learn they are useful items - will keep this up!


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