14 May 2012

Toddlers Treasure Bag

This little bag brought back memories of my boys and their treasures. We would go for a walk almost every day and of course along the way we would pick up leaves and flowers, sticks and stones, grasses and on the odd occasion a bug or two. Having a treasure bag like this would have been a great help, and saved one mother from carrying all manner of nature's wonders.

Liane Strawhorn sent the instructions. Here is what she wrote:

I recently made my 3 year old grandson a treasure bag to take on his nature walks and trips to the seaside. He is living in California for two years and I always have plenty of ideas to sew for his little sister but find boys a little harder, however this bag proved a real hit.

Take a piece of plastic fly wire measuring approximately 30cm x 60cm (my piece came from a piece that DH took out of window and replaced with new wire), if you don't have fly wire you could use strong net or even old lace curtain.

I then took a scrap piece of fabric and embroidered DGS' name and the words "Treasure Bag" on this square of fabric (approximately 10cm square).

Fold the fly wire in half, 30cm end to meet 30cm end, centre name panel on one side, open out and stitch panel in place. I used a leather needle in my machine and just regular sewing thread.

Fold net in half again, this time with the name panel inside. Sew both sides together with a straight stitch to make a bag shape. I sewed each side twice to make the bag strong.

Turn bag to right side out. To complete bag sew bias binding to the top edge. Pin it to the top edge, half inside and half outside if that makes sense, leaving a nice smooth edge on the top. Sew this in one step with a zigzag stich.

To finish the bag I attached 2 webbing handles to the top of the bag, these were claimed from a recycled webbing belt of DS3 that he no longer used.

This bag is great as the treasures collected can be viewed for any wildlife by the adult companion, sand and grit falls out of bag before it gets into the house, it can be hosed down outside without emptying. Hope this makes sense. I included a small book in my gift for DGS about birds and a sweet little carved wooden squirrel I found in the op shop (his favourite animal). 


  1. Hi,

    Gosh I love your daily emails, they get me raring to go some days.

    Made up the miracle spray the other day, and boy what a fabulous product. Keep up your great work I am using it everywhere.

    One question, if I may – I am unsure if I missed it – was not around when you started it or plain forgot, but is MOO an acronym for something – would love to know.


    1. Hi Anna,

      I'm so glad you enjoy the Tip of the Day emails :)

      And Miracle Spray - well what can I say, you've seen it's power for yourself, I'm guessing you are hooked too!

      MOO is an acronym, it stands for Make Our Own, something we Cheapskaters are good at.


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