When you are just starting out or raising a young family, it is an all-important task to cut corners and save money wherever you can. But it isn’t just young folks that need to be thrifty. When you reach retirement age, if you're not careful to keep a tight rein on the budget, you may find yourself stressing over your finances. When you're younger, there is always the possibility of earning extra income. You certainly do not want to face that option when you are retired.
Here are a few ideas for stretching a tight budget in retirement:
Tap into little known resources such as the many free services offered to retirees. Contact your energy company and have them come down and give you a free home inspection in order to save money on your utilities. Your energy company will be more than happy to point out more than enough ways that you can save money on your energy bills.
A free inspection could save you hundreds of dollars on wasted energy. Something as simple as installing energy saving light bulbs, power strips that you shut off at the end of the day and how to give your heating system a tune up will save you lots of money.
Get your car checked over by a mechanic who offers free safety checks. They'll give you an idea of any work that needs to be done and then you can decide who does the work. Ask around, call your local Council and search out free services. Taking advantage of these free services will save you money and educate you on how to safeguard yourself.
Take the time to learn how to use your computer. Learning how to pay bills on line will not only save you time but will save you the cost of postage or time lining up at the Post Office as well. If you have a dozen bills or so, paying on line will add up to savings on postage and trips to the post office to buy stamps. It is completely safe and secure as long as you follow the instructions.
Take advantage of supermarket shopping online. Delivery fees are nominal compared to the cost of petrol, mileage, and wear and tear on your vehicle.
Use the Internet at the library. This will save you money on your monthly Internet bill as well as give you the opportunity to get out once or twice per week to pay your bills online, food shop online and just spend time surfing the web for senior citizen discounts and coupons. Coffee shops and restaurants offer free wifi service as well.
Take advantage of senior discounts days, which sometimes range from every Wednesday to every Wednesday and Saturday. Those discounts at your local cafe, bakery, op shop, supermarket, cinema, can add up to hundreds of dollars over the course of a year.
Always ask if the business you are dealing with offers a discount for seniors. My mother just had new carpet laid in her home. I arranged the quotes for her, then when she decided which one she wanted she contacted the company and asked if they offered a discount for seniors before placing her order. She saved 7.5% or $407 on the original quote - just for asking a question (and not being precious about her age!).
These are a few simple ways to begin living on a tight budget in retirement.
Hi Cath, love the site and all the wonderful ideas. You mentioned in your article Things I Don't Buy a bulk instant pudding mix, where might I find the recipe for this please.
ReplyDeleteJulie Pat.
:D I was wondering that too!
ReplyDeleteI love custards and puddings ^=^