Let's Talk Turkey
Tough though you may find it to think of presents, trees and turkeys in July, now is the perfect time to think about these things. Whether you were born organized, or like me need to be encouraged a little, getting a head start today will save hours of needless stress, work and rushing around in December.There are those of us who enjoy shopping in December, with the crowds and the carols and chintzy store decorations. And then there are those amazingly organized souls who can shop five months ahead of time, wrap and label each gift AND remember exactly where they have it stored!
Me, I'm a mixture of both. I like to be prepared, and know who is on my gift list and what I have planned for them. I am not into shopping though. I am into making. I love to give handcrafted gifts, made with love and affection especially for someone special.
Whether you are a shop ahead, crafter or leave-it-until-December personality, what you do need to do is start today. If you like to leave your Christmas shopping until December, start stashing cash now to avoid debt in December.
If you love to hand make gifts, I can tell you from experience that leaving it until December is leaving it too late. Start now. Get out your craft and pattern books. Check your craft and sewing supplies. Look for new ideas (check out the Crafts & Hobbies section of the Tip Store) and get going.
And for those who love to shop early, go for it. Print off our Master Gift List and then divide the total by the number of weeks between now and December 23, work out your gift budget and start shopping.
Anything you can do between now and December to prepare for Christmas will pay off in two ways. The first of course is financial. Starting early allows you to wait for sales, look for bargains and have a choice.
And the second payoff is the one you get when on the first of December you can put your tree up, place the beautifully wrapped gifts underneath it, sit back and really enjoy the next twenty-four days.
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