I've created a list and I'll be working my way through it over the next couple of months - and yes, it will take me that long, but I'll get there and you'll have the posts you've requested.
Here's the list, in no particular order, and they probably won't be written or published in this order either:
Banana-less banana bread recipe
Recipes for a Really Tight Budget - or what we're eating this year
Baked Rice Custard recipe
How to Start a Stockpile on a Tight Budget
Restyled Leftovers
Eating out without going broke
Sauce tomatoes and what to do with them
Please don't feel sorry for my family
Am I Australia's most boring grocery shopper?
Freezer cooking on a budget
How to write a shopping list that works
Making meal plans fit the food budget
How my OCD tendencies save us money
Card making for beginners on a budget
Is it cost effective to make soap?
Is it worth your time? Hourly rate v cost
Writing a first spending plan
How to dry onions
How to save when there's no spare cash
Easy soap recipes that are safe to make at home
How to decide what veggies to grow and how many
Living on a low income without feeling deprived
The Best way to get Started Bulk Shopping
How to shop monthly and make the fresh food last
Best cheap skin care and make-up on the market
Camp Oven Cooking
Go with the Flow
There will be no particular schedule for these posts, they'll appear as I get the time to work on them, but now you know what's coming up.
If you'd like to see a post about some other aspect of living the Cheapskates way, let me know in the comments below and I'll do my best to oblige.

Hi Cath, looking forward to all your interesting posts as usual - thanks for being so generous. Since you do a lot of camping maybe you could give ideas on camp oven cooking. Thanks Helen
ReplyDeleteThanks for the suggestion (and confidence in my cooking!) Helen. I'll add that to the list. I do a great roast in the camp oven and a very good crumble too :)