Wrong! Saving cents is how you save dollars. And I can tell you it is much, much easier to save a few cents on a lot of things, than it is to save a lot of dollars on one thing.
Why is that so (to borrow a familiar question)?
It is so because we have many, many more opportunities to save cents than we do to save dollars.
Here is a list of 25 ways to save just a few cents. This list was in a Bright Ideas to Save You Money newsletter way back in 2003, but it is just as relevant, perhaps more so, today.
1. Recycle items for different uses.
2. Use small grocery bags for rubbish bags or pedal bin liners.
3. Organize your house.
4. Buy energy efficient light bulbs.
5. Only run the dishwasher when it is full.
6. Use less laundry detergent than called for.
7. Use Cheapskates Washing Powder.
8. Wash clothes in cold water.
9. Don't overuse hot water.
10. Fix dripping taps.
11. Fix a constantly running toilet.
12. Consider fans instead of air conditioners.
13. Set your thermostat 3 degrees lower than usual and put on a jumper.
14. Use coupons - the petrol dockets that save up to 4c (or more) a litre are great.
15. Consider buying clothing at op shops or factory outlets.
16. Only shop once a month.
17. Don't go to the supermarket when you're hungry.
18. Do not shop at convenience stores.
19. Buy store brands.
20. Stock up on items when they are on sale.
21. Buy items in bulk (if you can save money).
22. Buy used furniture.
23. Strip or recover furniture you already own.
24. Quit smoking.
and the most effective and important way to save cents:
25. ~Be happy with what you have.~
Cath I made your basic muffin mix last night and added some chopped dates I had in my pantry. I am not much of a baker and so I was delighted to get 12 delicious little muffins out of the mixture. I can't stop patting myself on the back.
ReplyDeleteThanks for your responce to my comment yesterday I am definitely going to start my own price book I have today's Aldi docket in my wallet so now would be a good time to start....